Everywhere you turn, everyday people are getting up close and personal. And by personal, I mean loud and proud of putting their name on everything and anything, like a crazy label maker!
Naming It
Personalisation has gone to all new levels this year, with consumers not being able to get enough of putting their own brand on their everyday style. Whether it’s putting your name on your note pad, pen, shoes or bag, people everywhere in all age groups are not afraid to share a little piece of who they are with the world.
Consumers are changing the rules and are now putting their name on their attire rather than wearing a million dollar fashion houses logo.
It's become cool to be custom.
My Monogramming Obsession
Years ago when I got married and became Mrs Tink I put my name on everything! I had it monogrammed onto hats, shirts and even had it engraved onto my wedding band. I loved seeing my name on something and the craze quickly went from quick fling to obsession.
10 years later, after years of monogramming my name on everything I could, Miss Monogram was launched. I have loved watching my obsession turn into a thriving business.
Bespoke Pieces
Each week we work with corporate clients who are searching for the ultimate gift for a client, brides searching for a personalised present for their bridesmaids and the everyday fashionista, who like the rest of the world are yearning for a bespoke piece created just for them.
Custom Style
Retailers are quickly catching on with many of your larger retailers’ now custom personalising mugs, hats, t-shirts....even shoes. NIKEiD has captured the sports market and Shoes of Prey, the fashion market. Typo and Kikki K are taking the stationary world by storm with their ingenious ways of keeping it personal and keeping us organised and Cotton On have created a fashion line that is not only affordable, it's super cute!
Add a Personal Touch to Gifts
With Christmas just around the corner and the impending pressure starting to rise to find presents from the heart, I don’t think you can wrong with the trend of adding the personal touch.
Opening a present with your name on it will never fail to make you feel loved. In fact our business philosophy is based around it!
Here is a sneaky peek at all the stylish goodies we have for Christmas.